The Best Way To Promote Clickbank Products
The Best Way to Promote Clickbank Products – Franklin Hatchets 3 Step Process
Probably one of the best ways I have come across to promote clickbank products, by one of the great affiliate marketers out there at the moment, and very easy to get started for anyone new to the game.
Press PLAY and watch his video.. Follow along the steps!
Press PLAY and watch his video.. Follow along the steps!
The Best Way to Promote Clickbank Products is laid out in this easy 3 Step Process.
- Find a Clickbank Offer
- Make a Website or Landing Page
- Find Traffic
The first thing we have to do is Find a Niche. Find a product range that you enjoy.. something you are passionate about. If you go after a product solely because it pays more, you are likely to get bored and give up. So find a related product to a personal passion. This way you will enjoy going out there and talking about it, blogging about it, and answering other peoples questions.
The top Niches tend to be related to:
- Health and Fitness
- Crypto Currency and Stock Trading
- Internet Marketing Services
- Software
So Lets just dive in.
STEP 1. The Best Way To Promote Clickbank Products – Find a Clickbank Offer to Promote
If you don’t already have a Clickbank account, you are going to need one. << CLICK HERE to Head on over to CLICKBANK and set one up NOW >>
Now that you have set up your Clickbank account, lets dive in and find an offer.
If you are interested in OTHER AFFILIATE NETWORKS available, you will find a list HERE >>
Head to MARKETPLACE on the top of the page and click on your a CATEGORY in chosen industry. Here you will find a list of OFFERS. Scroll through and see if you can find one that you can really sink your teeth into. Remember you will have to talk about it night and day, and post on forums and answer questions, so It should be something you like, and you know about.
Have a look at the offer and make sure they have an Affiliates Page! This is where the vendor will give you all the relevant information to make promoting his product easy. There will be TOOLS to help you promote, TIPS, They will provide you with a whole bunch of COPY that you can use, to make writing articles and posts easier. There may even be some VIDEO SALES LETTERS that you can use also. All the tools you will need will be there. So now all we have to do is put them into a nice site where you can send people.
Check the GRAVITY on the offer.. How many other people are selling it? Usually, a good way to promote clickbank products is choosing a higher gravity score, as the more the merrier, as it means its a good product that is selling.
So when you choose n offer you want to promote, go ahead and click the PROMOTE button, and grab your Affiliate Link! This will be an important link to use, and it’s your UNIQUE link to tell the company that it was YOU who sent a paying customer there, and to pay YOU for the commission. Make sure you paste this link to a safe place.. we will need this a little later on.
STEP 2. The Best Way To Promote Clickbank Products – Make a Website or Landing Page
So now you have an offer to promote and you have the all important link to promote it with. There are 2 sites you can build, 2 very different ways.
A dedicated WordPress site. But you will need to host it. Its very easy to do. Go ahead and download the E-guide How to Create a Niche Affiliate Website and this will give you a detailed Step-by-Step guide.
There is an easier way. You can use a dedicated Landing Page Software. Something like Clickfunnels is so easy to use, and can even provide training on how to get the best out of it.
If you would like some simple training to begin with, there is a Youtube Series on Promoting Clickbank Offers and the best way to promote clickbank offers..
In the FREE FUNNEL DOWNLOAD section of the Clickfunnels website, you can download the Clickbank Funnel Template. This is a ready-made landing page software you can use to promote all your clickbank offers. All you need to do is customize the landing page and insert your own links. This is also an ideal way to Build Your Own E-mail Marketing List. One of the most important things an online marketer can do. By building your own list, you have the power to re-market to your customer base at any time… Its like Traffic On Tap!
Building your Pages
Its very important to follow a pattern when building out landing and sales pages. Have a quick read about How to Promote a Clickbank Offer and familiarize yourself with the process.
Its all about HOOK – STORY – OFFER. The Hook is where you want to grab their attention. On the landing page you will have the question they are wanting to answer, like.. “Do you want to Lose Weight Fast with Half the effort” ? Shit Yeah! Of course they do! This will get them into the front door of your offer. (assuming its a weight loss offer). Then you move onto the story.
The story will tell them your personal story about losing weight, and what you did and how you came to succeed in your personal journey. This is also known as the solution to their problem. This is how they can lose weight too.
Then comes the Offer. This (by an amazing coincidence) is the offer you promote. Give them a clear CTA, Call To Action. A button that says “PRESS HERE TO GET THE ANSWER” isn’t going overboard. You want them to WANT to follow through with your advice and purchase the product or service you are offering.
A fantastic book on HOOK-STORY-OFFER comes from Russell Brunsons Book – Expert Secrets. You can go ahead and Get a FREE Copy Of Expert Secrets HERE >>
Now that you have your Website or Landing Page Built.. Its time to find some traffic.
STEP 3. The Best Way To Promote Clickbank Products – Find Traffic
- Forums – Set up your forum profile and set your site link in the signature section of your profile. This way, you are not printing obvious links, you are merely offering good advise. When people want to find out more information about you, as you are obviously an expert in the field, then they will naturally follow you through to where there is more information. If you want to master the art of becoming an expert, then get a free copy of expert secrets.
- Blogs – Blogs are usually posts written by other people. At the base of these posts is a comment section, but you cant just go posting your link. These comments will need to be approved by the author, so you will have to word your questions carefully, and somehow work your link into the conversation. This usually works best by asking the author what they think about it.
- Facebook Groups – A great way to get involved into the conversation. But don’t just join groups and start posting your links. You need to be giving your opinion and giving advice. Then offer those you are talking to, a solution to their problem. Via your link!
Some words of warning… Especially when your on Facebook! They really DONT like clickbank affiliate links. Make sure you link to your Website or landing page.. don’t accidentally post your raw affiliate link..this will get you banned. If you do want to cloak your links, use a link cloak or shortener.. something like Clickmagick. Then they will be safe to use.
If you want to see a Youtube Video on cloaking your affiliate links, then have a look.
Helpful References
>>> Head to Clickbank University to Really Learn the best ways to promote clickbank products >>
>>> Get yourself a Free Copy of Expert Secrets and take your marketing to the stratosphere!!
>>> Learn Affiliate Marketing for yourself and Retire in 100 Days
>>> Learn Affiliate Marketing from Scratch with this easy to follow course