Digital Marketing Guide – E-mail
I hope you are enjoying the Yoonla™ platform and are already on your way with laying down the foundation of your digital lifestyle.
So, now that you are building your email subscriber list through, what do you do with those contacts/subscribers right?
This Email Marketing Excellence guide gives you some great tips on using email marketing effectively.
If you haven’t read the Email Marketing guide yet, I would suggest to do so right here.
Of course the importance of building an email subscriber list, is that you can keep in touch with your subscribers, build a solid relationship, give them tips and advice and offer them content or product offers that are relevant to what they initially signed up for.
The aim should always be to provide value first, such as a free report, free tips and guides etc. before asking someone to make a purchase through your link for an affiliate promotion for example if you don’t have your own product yet.
With affiliate marketing, you don’t really need your own product and can simply promote other people’s products and earn a commission for the referral. Sometimes this is $20 or $30 but there are also offers that will pay you hundreds of dollars in commissions.
And all you have to do is tell other people about a particular product. Quite simple right? 🙂
Of course, I would strongly suggest to test the offer yourself first and ensure it is a quality product you are promoting as you want to make sure you are looking after your subscribers well and don’t promote any rubbish offers to them.
Integrity is of great importance. And if you keep your contacts informed with great, quality offers, tips and advice, they will stay with you for months or even years to come. So a long term opportunity for your digital lifestyle business.
If you’re not quite familiar with Affiliate Marketing yet, this free guide will show you the ins and outs of the industry and will give you an excellent understanding with how this works.
== Access your Affiliate Marketing Guide PDF here >
Enjoy! And stay tuned for more tips on creating the ultimate digital lifestyle.
Matty Mac, The Oz Affiliate
REF: Yoonla™ – Create a Digital Lifestyle for yourself!
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