Clickbank University 2.0 Review | My Journey – READ BEFORE ENROLLING
Clickbank University 2.0 Review
Since starting this BLOG, many of you have reached out to me asking me what courses I’ve taken, and what training I have done throughout my Affiliate Career. So I decided to sit down and make and in depth review all about the best Clickbank Training I have undertaken.
The first course I dove into when I first started was ClickBank University. Now the 2.0 Version has been released.. and its packed with even more!
First of all.. A little about ME!
How I found Affiliate Marketing: (And Clickbank University 2.0)
About Me:
Having an entire career in Retail Management, I went hunting MANY MANY Years ago for a way to make some extra dollars on the internet. I found Clickbank and Affiliate marketing. That was back when the internet was still pretty new. NOW.. the strange part.. I didn’t know what Affiliate Marketing was. And because I didn’t understand it.. I didn’t stick with it.
I lost interest and went on to the next shiny object I could found.
It wasn’t until about 10 years later.. That I found my passion for Affiliate Marketing. This 2nd time around.. I immersed myself in it. Learned ALL I could. And I’m STILL learning. And now that i’m a little bit older, and have a little money.. I decided to INVEST IN MY OWN TRAINING.
So that’s what I did. Looking back.. It was the smartest thing I ever did. And I still Do!!
I imagine where I would be right now if I stuck to it 10 years ago.. But I didn’t. But I made a decision now.. and i’m back in the game. Its NEVER too late to start.
“Invest In Yourself” !!
What Drives Me:
Of course for me.. Money is the driving force behind what I do.. But not for the reason you may think..
..Not to buy a fancy car… (I still drive an old ’99 banged up OFF-ROAD Jeep which i LOVE!)…
..Not to buy a Swiss watch…
.. Not to show off to my friends…
But for the simple reason I HATED getting in my car to drive to a place of business, and work my ass off each day to MAKE SOMEONE ELSE MONEY! I’m very happy to work myself to the bone. I enjoy hard work..
What i DON’T like.. is working hard and NOT seeing the reward for it!
There are MANY training courses out there.. most are very very good…
..But NONE are as good as Clickbank University 2.0 at teaching YOU
Affiliate Marketing using the worlds Largest Affiliate Market Company!
My Failures:
We all have them. Mine was watching the first few lessons of a course.. then saying to myself.. “I can take it from here!”
I enrolled $997 in an intensive “Use Facebook Ads to Succeed at Affiliate Marketing” course.. I probably got through about 30% of it and thought I had learned enough…
So i maxed out my credit card buying up ads and (as it turned out – Spamming) my affiliate link all over the place. Then when I knew…I will see the dollar signs… I saw NOTHING!
I’m SURE you know how it feels to do something.. Place Ads.. Build a Sales Funnel… Create a Marketing Strategy.. and in my heart it KNEW this was going to work… But then…. NOTHING.
It’s so disappointing. Do you know how that feels?? I’m willing to bet you do!
The Drug:
I don’t mean literally.. but that feeling. The excitement. The temptation.
Passive Income!
Doing hard work now.. so it pays off REPEATEDLY in the future.
If you could do 1 thing right now… that ensured it paid you $1 every month… Forever… Wouldn’t you do KEEP doing until you have done like.. 10,000 things??
This course, if you ever considering getting it and joining Clickbank University 2.0 review, will start with a live Q&A with Adam so you can get perspective and some further information before you begin.
You will be run through the Entire Affiliate Marketing Process.
Training for Vendors
Training for Affiliate Marketers
Traffic Modules
Product Research
Tools to Use on your Affiliate Journey
Weekly LIVE Q & A Sessions
Support Groups
Learn to Make your FIRST $1,000 Online with Affiliate Marketing. I will even help you get there!
How Do I Get Started?
Just click the link below..
Enter your E-Mail Address and I will send you…
- Video Introduction to Clickbank University.. What you can expect)
- An invitation to a discounted Copy writing Course
- Market Research Opportunities
- YouTube Ads (Learn to do it yourself)
- Funnel Building Suite
Access to my own private Oz Affiliate Toolbox .. Including..
- Youtube Training
- Facebook Private Group Support
- Instructions on Creating Your Own Affiliate Niche Website
- Additional Clickbank Training Videos
- Entrepreneur Books
- Completed Business Funnel (Auto-Pilot System)
- Clickbank Info-graph
- Profit & Loss Spreadsheet
- ..Additional Bonuses!
Get Started Now!
” There are MANY training courses out there.. most are very very good…
..But NONE are as good as Clickbank University 2.0 at teaching YOU
Affiliate Marketing using the worlds Largest Affiliate Market Company! “
Get tons more information about Affiliate Marketing at
3 Responses
[…] Start with a really good and reputable course like the Clickfunnels 100 Day Affiliate Bootcamp. or Clickbank University 2.0 Review […]
[…] was only about 1k subscribers she does really good videos as well. She just sort of hammers into affiliate marketing how to get started and also she touches more on the mindset of entrepreneurs, and how to succeed in […]
[…] Some people have NO money for training.. and that’s ok. I didn’t when I started. But i quickly learned that the BEST training, you really do have to pay for. When i started to earn a few commissions here, and a few commissions there, I scraped up enough coin to buy my first paid course. I enrolled in Clickbank University. […]