VSN Review – Viral Success Network – VSN Cash – Review
VSN System Review – Viral Success Network – VSN Cash – Review
VSN Cash System stands for Viral Success Network. This is another Affiliate program offering to help people create a Passive Online Income from home.
This is a Ready-Set-Go system, where you just need to pay your $37.99 Application fee, and you have access to a whole range of Affiliate Training.
You can then apply to become an Affiliate of the program itself, where as you will earn 50% direct from any product you sell.
This is not a bad deal, and to be honest, the $38 you pay is well worth it, just in the affiliate training you receive.
Loads of videos, lots of ideas and plenty of tutorials about how you can set up, and promote your own VSN System.
I started to see quite a bit of hype around about this system, so I paid the $37.99 to find out what it was all about, and give my own community an honest review.
As I said, the $37.99 is well worth it just for the training alone, so if you’re interested in some training video’s, go ahead and give it a go!
The VSN System has been around for a while, and if you have seen or heard the similar systems such as Motor Club of America, or E-mail Processing, you will understand a little more.
The system claims, that by following the system, one can make up to $5000 per week promoting this system.
Now, while this is technically “NOT UN-TRUE” it would take an extreme amount of work to get to the point where you would be earning that kind of cash.
To actually earn that sort of money, and is neglected to advise you before you sign up, you WILL need to spend a large portion of that on ADVERTISING!
This is also a large incentive within this system. Advertising. You will be prompted to upsell your application for Advertising.
From $37.99 through to $97.99 through to $197 and then a final coaching program of $997.
Although there are MANY affiliate offers you are suggested to promote, it looks as though most sales are pushed down this same funnel.
VSN System Review – What Is Inside of VSN Cash System?
Once you join, you will get immediate access to your VSN Cash System back office.
In this back office you will receive training such as:
How to go about setting up your VSN business
The basics of what affiliate marketing is
Some advanced strategies of affiliate marketing on Social Media
Past webinars (pre-recorded), and the opportunities to join future ones
And whatever other knowledge you may need to be successful within this system.
Affiliate Marketing is one of the BEST ways to earn a passive income online, and this is just another one of the many thousands of systems out there.
Any System you join, is going to take alot of hard work, dedication, time and advertising to be successful at, so as long as you are ready to put in the hard work, I say go for it.
I personally, go about Affiliate Marketing in a slightly different way.
I have a FREE E-book entitled, “How to Create your own Niche Affiliate Website”, that will teach you how to Research and Find your desired Niche Market, Create a website,
and market it, so you can create a Passive future income for yourself.
That FREE E-Book is available here: https://ozmattymac.com/create-a-niche-affiliate-website/
The VSN Cash System gives you options to purchase their “Done for You” traffic where they will take your affiliate link and run traffic to it for you!!
While this is a good idea for newbies, and very easy for someone who doesnt really know what they are doing, there are a few downfalls in doing this.
First, any potential customer who opts in to your offer, has their E-mail address, and their details taken by the host of the system.
I would suggest you set up your own funnel, and create your very own E-mail Marketing list. This is a way to future proof your own income.
Create Your Own E-mail Marketing List!
How To Create A Mailing List – SWELB – Simple Web E-Mail List Building
If you think you’re ready to start with the VSN Cash System, Click here to get started for a one off fee of USD$37.99!
Within the VSN backoffice, you can also purchase the Facebook Ads training and the Shopify coaching if you ever want to sell a physical product.
The VSN Systems success, relies on you driving ALOT of traffic to your affiliate links. You will learn how to do this, but as I said earlier, it does take alot of work.
You could put the same effort into any number of affiliate offers out there on the market, and you can recieve a similar or better result.
The VSN Cash System is based upon the Clickfunnels Software. The owner obviously knows the program well, uses the Membership site to run THIS program and is most definately an affiliate himself.
He does get you to try an sign up for the Clickfunnels trial, and the program IS well worth it if you want to dive into Online Affiliate Marketing.
You will have a leg-up in this program if you familurize yourself with the Clickfunnels program.
You can start a FREE 14 Day trial to get your head around it here:
So what does the Viral Success Network actually sell?
Nothing. This is what I call a “Circular Selling Network”
In a nutshell, you pay $37.99, to learn to market, promote, and on-sell a system.
This system, IS, charging people $37.99 for you to then Teach people to market, promote, and on-sell that system.
Then they will charge other people $37.99 to teach the same thing.
Here is an example of the WRONG way to sell a circular sales system
If you are interested in Affiliate marketing, and learning the correct way to sell the system head straight to:
This is what it should look like
In Any case.. If you feel like having a go, it is a fairly small investment.
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