8 Youtube Channels That Inspire Me as an Entrepreneur
8 Youtube Channels That Inspire Me as an Entrepreneur
Hey guys, Matty Mac here,
I just want to run you through a couple of YouTube channels that really inspiring me along my Entrepreneur journey.. they are usually where I go, when I need a bit of pick me up, a bit of inspiration to do something.. so I’m just going to jump into my computer, and show you these Channels, hopefully you can check them out get inspired too.. so let’s have a look.
OK so the first one they wanted to show you who is Johnchow.com
Johns videos are straight to the point , no fluff.. I followed him when he was probably about 20k subscribers and I’ve just watched him grow ever since. He doesn’t produce a lot of videos very often, but the ones that are released are really quite helpful. He makes his money through affiliate marketing, and he sells his own course, so that’s a good one to start with..
Next one I want to show you was The Deadbeat Super Affiliate. Dan Brock’s a really funny kind of guy who captured my attention way back he was at about 40k subscribers and I watched and Clock over to 50k and then up to 100k and just keep growing from there.. but he’s put this little spin on affiliate marketing which I love, and just really funny. These videos are really high quality as well what he says and the way produces videos are really entertaining and I just love it his own little spin on it.. that’s really worth a look for sure.
Stephen dev is a small YouTuber.. I just came across him when he was only a handful of subscribers but what I love about it is his enthusiasm to just everyday, make sure that he produces a video.. and it looks like he’s dropped off now Unfortunately, back in a couple of months ago he would produce a video daily, which I really admired about that.. so checkout Stephens Channel i’m not sure where he is now at least he’s still going along with his mum things.
Alright Lazy Ass Stoner.. so this is Jay Wessman he’s been on YouTube for a long time.. a lot of years before it was really YouTube, and he’s been making good content. What he says, and the way he produces his videos is really good quality.. He took a long break for a while and there was lots of things running around you know, like “where’s Jay??” an “what’s he doing” and then he kind of came out with a couple of videos more recently.. doesn’t seem to do as consistent uploads as he used to do but they still really good and they go for a fairly long timespan. I think it’s based in Melbourne or maybe Tasmania. He is making some good money check that one out ..
Elaine Garmosa is a young entrepreneur, she’s a Melbourne based uni student.. I came across her when she was only about 1k subscribers she does really good videos as well. She just sort of hammers into affiliate marketing how to get started and also she touches more on the mindset of entrepreneurs, and how to succeed in business and stuff like that so that was really cool she’s got her own course now as well, but then she puts some really good content out..
and getting into the bigwigs of Entrepreneur Motivational Channels now..
The big The Youtube channels that Inspire… really inspired me.
Franklin Hatchett is an entrepreneur which I love to listen to.. he is a Clickfunnels Super-affiliate, and was the first Affiliate to get the dream car from Clickfunnels. The content he produces, He does is really good, really inspiring and of course he’s got his own courses which I have done myself. I joined the affiliate course which teaches mostly Affiliate Marketing Using a Niche Website. He posts constantly, almost 2 or 3 times a week, always with enjoyable content.. so I always get the popups for that one.. Definitely one of the better ones to add to your list.
Passive Income Lifestyles is a fairly new channel, less than a year.. Jonathan Montoya produces content very regularly Is always on there.. He is really big on Tik Tok as well and there’s a few videos on that how he does it and you can sort of see he’s getting better and better.. and the stuff I need us is really good.. he does some good stuff on sales funnels as well including a Viral sales funnel which you can join up to. So really good stuff there
But my number one recommendation for a YouTube channel..
Nathan Lucas and Freedom Influencer…
So I came across Nathan when I saw him just Clock over 100k subscribers so I saw him get his award delivered to his house. He was full time 9 to 5 work and then he quit his full time job is now doing this full time and he looks much more relaxed.. so more power to him!
All his videos are really motivating and every time I watch it is sort of gives me a kick up the ass to do something.. and I often sent him a little note on his video saying “thanks for giving me a kick up the Ass” and motivating me to do something.. so that’s what I really like about his videos on his channel.
He has thousands of thousands of hours of really good content that you can go through on watch.
Motivating YouTube channels that Inspire!
Guys, if you liked this video, please give me a thumbs up as it really helps and hopefully subscribe to my channel so you know when I release more videos..
and why don’t you go on and let me know some of the channels that you like lets check those out and let’s cheer it as get motivated make some money !!
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