How To Make Your Own Email List in 2021 Step 1
How To Make Your Own Email List in 2021
Step 1 of 4
Welcome guys, Matty here from just wanted to touch base on something new that i am giving away.
It is the four steps to a profitable email list, ebook, so this is a gift for you guys to download, and i’m going to touch on a step by step, but uh just one at a time.
If you do want it, there’s, a link down below grab yourself and have a read. So if we just touch on this piece by piece.
I just want to kind of make this very clear for everyone, so the most important thing is to choose a profitable niche, and that is, you don’t want to choose something that people aren’t going to buy.
So there are some pretty crazy offers out there, but if you see something like, teach your dog to play Golf, people aren’t going to buy such an offer.
So you do have to be careful about the offers that are available and ask yourself: “will people buy this product that i’m promoting” so that’s quite important and it’s, not just sales you promote and Then somebody buys there are other ways to make some commissions as well, and i just want to touch on those for you.
So there, of course, are multiple affiliate networks.
Available Affiliate Networks you can use to Make Your Own Email list
Clickbank is the most common that we all know know and love, clickbank, jvzoo, max bounty and offer vault. Now, max bounty is actually much bigger on not so much sales but more leads.
Types Of Commissions to Make Your Own Email list
So, apart from the old sales, which is..
CPA – which is a Commission per Acquisition
there’s, also
CPC – commission per click and
CPL – commission per lead.
Now per clicks is like traffic. If you can send, if you have a knack for sending traffic through to a website, they will pay you for that traffic, whether they buy something or not, they will pay you for that traffic.
It’s, certainly not as much as if they buy and make a commission, but for their reasons they want to get some more traffic to their file to their page per lead. Now this is usually a form that will have to be filled out by the people you send there and it’s, usually more than just a name and email address.
It’s, usually name address phone number, a bit more information things like back in the day when banks were doing hardcore credit cards and things like that, they would invite people and they would fill out a survey form.
Are you eligible that sort of thing and that gets them on their database? It’s, um, with banks being the way they are. It’s, a little harder to do it that that way these days, but companies will still pay for leads as opposed to sales.
So you & # 39. Ve got clicks, leads and sales, so it’s, not just trying to sell and make money by sales so so check. Those out, especially max bounty, have a look at some of the offers in the way that they do it because you’ll.
Be surprised at other ways that you can make money apart from just selling a product, so check that one out for sure um now further to that being a profitable niche. As i said, make sure you stick to a niche that you are passionate about there’s, no real point in just chasing money.
Just for the sake of chasing money uh, it has to be a product that will sell, and it really should be something that you are passionate about talking about. If you try and promote something just for the money, a you’re up against a lot of competition and a lot of people and companies that have money to advertise and b you’re, not going to come across the sincere.
If you’re just trying to push by now by now by now, so stick to that make sure it is a product that will sell and something that you love and then further to this. So this step one also check out these other networks.
These other um commission networks, these affiliate networks, because you may just see an offer that’s a little bit out of the ordinary that you may take a fancy too. So so that’s. All i’m just going to touch on that one.
That’s step one. As i said, i will leave a link below and uh this 4 Steps to a profitable email list.
This is how you can build your own email list, um, and because that that’s, that’s, going to be something that you own you, wherever you’re, starting from you’re, always going to own.
This now, with things like you, know, insta your instagram page and facebook groups and stuff you don’t own that traffic. Of course, if something happened with facebook and they shut down or they kicked you out, they didn’t like the way you were doing things or they banned your ad account or or they just disappeared off the face of the earth.
You would lose all your customers that you’ve ever dealt with on there. You’ve ever had engagement with that. They’re gone like overnight, at least with an email list. This is something that you can download and hang on to you and take wherever you go if your computer crashes or you have to go overseas or whatever um, you always have this list, and these are a loyal bunch of followers that are following you.
So if you aren’t already starting your own email list, this is certainly something that you have to do and there is some training that will teach you how to do this. Let me just jump across here now. I do want to show you this if it ever comes alive.
Best Course To Make Your Own Email List
Okay, so the Partner with Anthony Program is seven dollars a month and you can follow through there’s about a month’s worth of pretty intensive training, but he will show you how to build your own email list and your own Business funnels and everything by the end of 30 days, you should have sales.
I did. I had sales within about two weeks of just following step by step that’s.
All i did to exactly what he says when he says how to do it and just follow along follow the bouncing ball very easy to do.
To show you. I will show you the clicks that i’ve gotten last month, so it’s just clocked into october now, so i’ll Show you september’s results.
I started this just at the beginning of august. So september was quite a good and i’m looking to better that in october.
But if i just show you last month and i’ll just show you just the clicks and it does show the commissions on that as well. So 441 people have clicked through onto my offer and there were a bunch of sales, as you can see, and the sales commission was about 730 dollars that’s.
Just for the march now, not huge, you can’t, you know, can’t tell my boss to off, but at least it’s, some money coming in, and i’m, looking to better that this um With the stuff that i’ve learned since then, i’m going to better that this month as well.
So so, as i said, all you need to do is just follow through they’re. All video training sessions. There’s, a lot more as well, which i won’t go into right now, but there’s a whole nother set of training avenues that you can join into.
I’ll hit on that in another video, because i don’t want to fall too much first thing to do is download this. That will give you the basics on what to do and how to start your own email address. Email list marketing list business list and then, just after that, i’ll, send you just a video on joining the partner with the afternoon program and have a look and check it out for yourself for seven dollars a month.
It’s! Well worth 100 times that, but for what you’ll, get out of it and just go through and follow the bouncy look very easy. So do that i’ll, come back with videos later on and go through other steps in a little more detail regarding your email list, but just make sure you get started so get your email list started and start your side.
Hustle get a few dollars on the side.